Back pain in the lumbar region

Back pain in the lumbar region

Back pain in the lumbar region is a common occurrence. By the age of 30, these sensations occur in 70% of people indifferent to the type of employment, lifestyle and physical activity. Ignoring lower back pain is fraught with undesirable health consequences, since this symptomatology already indicates disturbances in the functioning of the body.

At the consultation with a neurologist:

  • Conduct an inspection;
  • Listen to the patient's complaints
  • Make a preliminary diagnosis;
  • If necessary, send for additional research;
  • prescribe an individual course of treatment.

Causes of back pain

The causes of back pain in the lumbar region differ in the etiology of origin, require the definition of a zone of pain and analysis of the nature. It is customary to differentiate:

  • epicritical pain - severe back pain in the lower back with a clearly defined focus;
  • protopathic pain - pulling, aching pain, which is a reflection of diseases of other anatomical areas.

The frequency of occurrence, the duration of pain sensations and the area affected by them are significant. Often the back fails due to:

  • age-related changes, in which the ability of the spine to perform the functions of depreciation is reduced;
  • loads when carrying a child;
  • displacement of the vertebrae, injuries and compression fractures;
  • spinal deformities;
  • intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, compression of the nerve roots of the spinal cord.

If lower back pain limits mobility, prevents bending, then we are talking about stretching. A feeling of numbness, increased pain when coughing, sneezing, spreading sensation to the lower extremities are neuroradicular syndromes. Growing pains of a long-term nature are explained by problems with internal organs.

Back pain in the lumbar region on the right occurs due to muscle spasm, irritation of nerve fibers, problems with the musculoskeletal system or spine. There are problems with the liver, right kidney, right ovary (in women), intestines, gallbladder. Similar reasons lead to the fact that a person has back pain in the lumbar region on the left. However, in this case, with protopathic pain, it is worth paying attention to the left kidney, left ovary (in women), stomach, intestines and pancreas.

If the left side hurts from the back in the lower back or the right side in the morning after sleep and long immobility, then this indicates spondylarthrosis. A sharp pain during a temperature drop (in the shower or due to hypothermia) is a manifestation of an acute backache.

With aching pains, it is advisable for men to first of all turn to a urologist, for women - to a gynecologist. You will need to conduct an ultrasound of the internal organs, take a blood and urine test. When examining the spine, MRI of the lumbar spine gives good results.

Back pain above the lower back of a protopathic nature is caused by a number of reasons:

  • kidney disease;
  • heart disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction);
  • pleurisy;
  • pneumonia;
  • diseases of the esophagus;
  • appendicitis;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder.

The back hurts sharply above the waist with:

  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis with disc displacement;
  • injuries of the spine and ribs;
  • myositis (muscle inflammation).

Back pain below the waist is caused by morphofunctional musculoskeletal changes - osteochondrosis or spondylarthrosis. In this case, patients have a sharp pain in the back below the waist.

How to relieve pain in the lower back

If you have experienced a sharp pain in the lumbar region, then you can relieve discomfort with the help of simple actions. You should lie on a horizontal surface and relax. Please note that a soft featherbed that sags a lot under your weight will not work. The legs should be placed on an elevation, relieving the load from the spine.

After the discomfort has ceased to be felt, you should gently roll over on your side and get on all fours. The meaning of such "gymnastics" is to minimize the load on the back. You need to straighten up and stand on your feet, using the support, holding it with your hands. The belt for the back with pain in the lower back allows you to fix this part of the body, which also reduces pain. At the same time, he should capture not only the diseased area, but also the part of the body above and below it. At the same time, analgesics can be used to relieve pain and relieve inflammation. They can be used as tablets or as injections for back and lower back pain (in this case, blockade injections are carried out only in a clinical setting).

After the elimination of symptoms, you must definitely contact the clinic. Self-medication is unacceptable. Using an ointment for pain in the back and lower back and a belt, the patient can endure pain for a long time, aggravating his condition. As a result, the muscles of the back are weakened, and the pain passes into a chronic phase. Abuse of analgesics can be addictive.

Back pain treatment in the lumbar region

If your lifestyle causes periodic muscle spasms (sports or physical labor can lead to this), then muscle relaxants should be in your home medicine cabinet. But these medicines should also be prescribed by a doctor after consultation. In the treatment of low back pain, depending on the diagnosis, various measures are used:

  1. Reflexology.Includes acupuncture (injections with special needles in certain areas) and electroacupuncture (use of electrical impulses). It can also be implemented in the form of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (suppression of the pain signal entering the brain).
  2. Physiotherapy.Methods of magnetic and laser therapy are used, as well as drug electrophoresis, phonophoresis, which increase the effectiveness of the use of medicines.
  3. Therapeutic exercise and massage.These measures are effective in diseases of the spine and in rehabilitation after injuries. Require specialist supervision.
  4. Surgical intervention.May be needed for hernias that cause compression of the spinal cord or spinal root.

Often, treatment is complex, combining different approaches. The duration and effectiveness of therapy depends on the timeliness of treatment.